These are the most commonly used Linux commands for a beginner or a newbie. This may help out someone who is trying to quickly learn some basic commands in Linux world. All the best!
NOTE: These are a few basic commands commonly used, there would be a many alternatives available, to get complete syntax help check out the “man” pages of a command.
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Purpose | Commands |
View/List Files/Folders | “ls” OR “ll” “ls -ali” (view all including hidden files) “ls -ld” (view only folders) “ls -Zl” (view SELinux context along with file attributes) |
Copy Files/Folders | “cp” {cp <Options> <Source> <Destination>} |
Secure Copy | “scp” {scp <User@Host:SourcePath> <User@Host:DestinationPath>} - Check manual page of SCP for further options. |
Move Files/Folders | “mv” {mv <Options> <Source> <Destination>} |
Create a New File | “touch <Filename>” {creates an empty file} OR “vi <Filename> {allows editing new file} |
Create a Directory | “mkdir <DirectoryName>” OR “mkdir -p <PathOfTheDirectory>” {this would create all the directories/sub-directories in the given path if not available} |
View a File | “cat” # cat <FileName> |
Change Directory | “cd <DirectoryName>” {directory name could be an absolute path} “cd -" {to switch to the previous directory} “cd ~” {to go to user home directory} “cd ..” {to go back to parent directory OR scroll up in the directory list} |
Print Current Working Directory | “pwd” |
Delete a File/Folder | “rm <File/FolderName>” “rm -rf <File/FolderName>” {this would wipe out a file/folder and doesn’t prompt for confirmation} |
Check File Type | “file” {file <File/FolderName> } |
Change File/Folder Permissions | “chmod” Eg:# chmod o+w /testfile (sets write permission for this file for other users) OR # chmod 646 /testfile |
Change File/Folder Ownership | “chown” Eg:# chown redhat /testfile (changes file owner as redhat user) Eg:# chown redhat:redhat /testfile (changes owner and group to redhat user for this file) |
View File Special Attributes | "lsattr" |
Set File Special Attributes | “chattr” Eg:# chattr +i /testfile (this would not allow file deletion even by root user) # chattr -i /testfile (this removes “immutable flag” set on the file) |
View ACL attributes (Access Control List) | “getfacl <File/FolderName>” |
Set ACL attributes (Access Control List) | “setfacl -m u:<Username>:<Permissions> <File/FolderPath>” Ex: # setfacl -m u:testuser:rw /etc/fstab |
Check Kernel Version | “uname” {# uname -a Or # uname -r} |
Check Red Hat Release Version | # cat /etc/redhat-release OR # cat /etc/os-release |
Check OS Architecture | # arch Or # uname -m |
List of PCI Devices Found | # lspci |
List of USB Devices Found | # lsusb |
List of Hard Drives Found | “fdisk” {# fdisk -l} OR “parted” {# parted --list} |
Get Processors Details | “lscpu” OR # cat /proc/cpuinfo OR # dmidecode --type processor |
Get Memory Modules Details | # dmidecode --type memory |
List HAL Devices Found | # lshal |
List Block Devices Found | “lsblk” # lsblk -f (this would show up block devices along with file system) |
List Swap Device | # swapon -s OR # cat /proc/swaps |
Check RAM(Random Access Memory) | “free” {# free -m Or # free -g = display in Megabytes/Gigabytes format} OR # cat /proc/meminfo |
List Modules Loaded | # lsmod |
List Mounted Devices | “mount” (# mount) OR # cat /proc/mounts OR # cat /etc/mtab OR “df” (# df -h) |
Check File System Usage | # df -Th |
Check/Display Hostname | # hostname # hostname -f {this would show-up the Fully Qualified Domain Name} OR # sysctl -n kernel.hostname # cat /etc/hostname { RHEL7 & above } |
Check System Uptime | # uptime |
Check SELinux Status (Security Enhanced Linux) | # sestatus OR # cat /etc/sysconfig/selinux # cat /etc/selinux/config { RHEL7 & above } |
Find The IP Address | “ifconfig” {# ifconfig -a} OR # ip a |
Find Current User Logged-in | # who -s OR # whoami |
Check Current Date & Time | # date |
Switch User | “su” |
Shutdown Command | # shutdown -h now OR # poweroff OR # halt OR # init 0 # systemctl poweroff { RHEL7 & above } |
Reboot Command | # shutdown -r now OR # reboot OR # init 6 # systemctl reboot { RHEL7 & above } |
Check Current Runlevel | # runlevel OR # who -r # systemctl get-default { RHEL7 & above } |
Switch from Runlevel 3 (text mode) to Runlevel 5 (GUI Mode)
| # init 5 OR # startx # systemctl set-default { RHEL7 & above } # systemctl isolate |
Switch from Runlevel 5 to Runlevel 3 | # init 3
# systemctl set-default { RHEL7 & above }
# systemctl isolate
Create a Partition on a Hard Drive | Using “fdisk” or “parted” command |
Create ext4 File System | # mkfs.ext4 <DeviceName> OR # mke2fs -t ext4 <DeviceName> |
Create ext3 File System | # mkfs.ext3 <DeviceName> OR # mke2fs -t ext3 <DeviceName> |
Check File System for Errors {recommended to un-mount file system before running this command} | # e2fsck -f -y <DeviceName> {-f =force, -y =set automatic answer Yes} |
Check if Network Interface is Up {I’ve taken first network interface “eth0” into reference here} | # ping localhost OR # ethtool eth0 {check for “Link Detected”} OR # ifconfig eth0 {check for “UP” in the fourth line} OR # ip addr show eth0 { RHEL7 & above } OR # ip a s eth0 |
List out Running Processes | # ps aux OR # ps -ef OR # top |
Search for a file | # locate <FileName> # find <PathWhereToSearch> -name <FileName> -type f Eg:# find / -name hello.txt -type f {this would search for the file “hello.txt” under the / (root) directory} |
Search for a word in a file | “grep” # grep -i <Word> <FileName> {this would search for the “word” within “FileName” regardless of case} |
View top 10 lines in a file | “head” # head <FileName> |
View bottom 10 lines in a file | “tail” # tail <FileName> |
Check All the Daemons/Services Running | # service --status-all # systemctl list-units --type service --all { RHEL7 & above } |
List Services Started in Run-level 5 |
# chkconfig --list | grep “5:on”
# chkconfig --list {This would list out all the services/daemons running and their status in each run level}
# chkconfig --list |grep “3:on” {this would list out all the services which are running on run-level 3}
# systemctl list-units --type service { RHEL7 & above }
NOTE: These are a few basic commands commonly used, there would be a many alternatives available, to get complete syntax help check out the “man” pages of a command.
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